Monday, January 26, 2009


Since my last post I've been trying to lose weight. How? Let me tell you. I have been waking up early and running* for 20-30 minutes. I have been working out on the Wii Fit as much as I could. I have two kids and a husband so with a few minutes here and there I've been able to average about an hour on the Wii Fit. I've been eating a less and snacks are no longer in my vocabulary. Its been hard. I even cut out most of my drinking.

Like any other person I wish that things were moving a little faster, but its not. Here are my results....

Starting Weight: 164.9 Current Weight:163

I wanted to measure, how many inches I've lost, but I think I'll do those every other week.

Its not all peachy and "yay! I'm doing great!", I've lost almost 2lbs in 10 days. I have a long way to go. I'm frustrated. I've already mentally quit a million times. My husband got really sick this past week and I kinda lost it. I didn't watch what I was eating and I didn't exercise the way I wanted to. I ate bagels past 6pm, I drank half a bottle of wine, I ATE FAST FOOD....twice! and on Sunday we had a rock band pizza get together. Every time I did something wrong I had already quit in my mind. I don't know why I correlate food with happiness, its just soo good! I love to bake! I really do, but I haven't been able to in my attempt to lose some weight, thus adding a bit more stress on my shoulders. I have this baking addiction, I get some kind of buzz/high off of baking. All my stress goes away once my kitchen smells ever so yummy, its almost like a euphoric feeling when I take a bite of the cake, cupcake, cookies or brownies I've made. *DROOL* Especially when they're fresh out of the oven. YUM! So you see...I could have done better.

Last night I was done! I QUIT! but I looked at my husband and got back on the weight loss machine... mentally. I'm 23 and obese according to my Wii. I don't want to be 30 and morbidly obese. I want my husband to look at me the way he did when we were both in shape. He still loves me I know... but I want to be a goddamn MILF. There I said it. I wanna be something close to one at the very minimum. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind me being 20lbs lighter. Right now I am far from it. I'm "cute" which in my mind is a nice way of saying "meh" when it comes to my appearance.

Anyone wanna join in on some kind of diet plan? running plan? anything with me?


Anonymous said...

hey, email me about this!