As you can see, I love to bake. Yes, enough to get my own kitchen appliances permanently imprinted onto my skin. I really do love baking. I've always wanted a sleeve, and not long ago a light bulb went off in my head. Why not get the sleeve done, but have it be all bake related? That's genius right? I think so.
Jessie has a pretty sweet tattoo, and he recommended his tattoo artist to me. I made sure that my tattoo plans were ok with the hubby...I mean its only fair right? He was more then happy to approve.(Thats a good husband people!)
We made the appointment and 5 hours of being still I eneded up with what you see above. This is huge! I mean you guys know how bad my anxiety is...I sat there...still... calm... and I didnt freak out! well I lie, I did freak out but I hid it VERY well.
Not everyone will agree with what I did. I mean, I have an oven on my forarm, I can see how a stranger that doesnt know me would think.."what a crazy bitch!" "freak" "idiot" "youth" and I'll give that stranger that youth one...
I thought about it, do I really want to do this to my body? be marked for-ever? I know im gonna wrinkle, and they'll look like blobs, but did I want to get to my wrinkled state not doing things because of what other people may think? Holding back on something that would fulfill me and give me joy and confidence (because I feel pretty cool and nerdy, confidence boost 10pts!)
So I just said "f-it!" lets do this thing. Im happy. I've already gotten mixed reviews here and there. At work, some think its weird. Or I'll get that "it's interesting" look. Its ok. I like it. Actually... I LOVE it. Cant wait to get more work done. We're gonna make it rain cupcakes! yay! I'll keep you posted!
haha my mom saw it, she's said not one word to me. NOT ONE! which means, its ok. All my other ones she completely stop talking to me for weeks. This time she speaks to me but doesnt mention the tats, I think she's happy its not a snake or devil horns. Ahhh I love me some mom.
Wendy I think it's an absolutely adorable idea and it fits you perfectly :] I'm suprised it took you this long to think of it! I think that fact that it is going to be raining cupcakes is my favorite part!
<33 Kim
I think it's pretty f'in rad and I applaude you! it makes you happy, and i think onces it's all done its going to look killer. I want to see it all done!
You are too funny. More power to you. Your body is a temple so decorate away! I am starting to get covered myself. I, like you, bake a lot. I make cakes all the time and have just found that I love making truffles. So fun :)
Bake/ tattoo away my fellow baker/ inked up gal pal.
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