Teddy and I have been in love with Yo Gabba Gabba! for some time now, I saw him in diapers shake him bum to the beat of the music, the colorful images and characters just sucked him and I right in. We've been hooked ever since. I was searching long and hard for a place where I could find more info on Yo Gabba Gabba and nothing. All I found back in the day was the Kidrobot website that had all the toys (which we got) After having my daughter, all three of us spent a lot of time home while the husband worked. I loved being home, although not stepping outside the door for a week at a time was hard. The thing that made staying indoors bareable was Yo Gabba Gabba! we knew the songs, the episodes etc, it was a fun time.
I searched again in hopes of finding something else. I wanted to know more. To my luck GabbaFriends was that place. There I started to get involved posting in forums talking about the show, I was in heaven! I saw a picture of a small boy dressed at DJ Lance Rock and I was immediately inspired. My son would be thrilled to be DJ Lance for halloween. So I embarked on the task, read more about how I made Teddy's costume here
We were in luck! On November 1st, Yo Gabba Gabba! was going to be at Amoeba Music in Hollywood to promote their new DVD. It was a must! My husband was out of town on a business trip for a whole MONTH! I'm very fortunate to have great people in my life, they helped me tremendously through that time. I have the most perfect relationship with my Ex and his wife. Sometimes its so great it doesn't seem fair, I mean who can have their cake and eat it too? So Jessie (Teddy's daddy) and my best friend Vader joined in the adventure. It was amazing! Teddy had never been out like that before.
I took a million pictures! My husband had only heard and seen pictures of the show, but Amoeba put up this video with little snippets of the show, its such a great interview. I think you can see why we hold this show and its creators so dear to our heart. Yo Gabba Gabba! isn't just "another" kids show. Its made with love and the purpose of being able to share and enjoy something amazing along with your children.
When Yo Gabba Gabba! is on in our home, Teddy isn't just parked in front of the TV...alone. We all are! We dance and play and have a great time doing it.