Monday, May 18, 2009

Teddy at Amoeba Music!

Teddy and I have been in love with Yo Gabba Gabba! for some time now, I saw him in diapers shake him bum to the beat of the music, the colorful images and characters just sucked him and I right in. We've been hooked ever since. I was searching long and hard for a place where I could find more info on Yo Gabba Gabba and nothing. All I found back in the day was the Kidrobot website that had all the toys (which we got) After having my daughter, all three of us spent a lot of time home while the husband worked. I loved being home, although not stepping outside the door for a week at a time was hard. The thing that made staying indoors bareable was Yo Gabba Gabba! we knew the songs, the episodes etc, it was a fun time.

I searched again in hopes of finding something else. I wanted to know more. To my luck GabbaFriends was that place. There I started to get involved posting in forums talking about the show, I was in heaven! I saw a picture of a small boy dressed at DJ Lance Rock and I was immediately inspired. My son would be thrilled to be DJ Lance for halloween. So I embarked on the task, read more about how I made Teddy's costume here

We were in luck! On November 1st, Yo Gabba Gabba! was going to be at Amoeba Music in Hollywood to promote their new DVD. It was a must! My husband was out of town on a business trip for a whole MONTH! I'm very fortunate to have great people in my life, they helped me tremendously through that time. I have the most perfect relationship with my Ex and his wife. Sometimes its so great it doesn't seem fair, I mean who can have their cake and eat it too? So Jessie (Teddy's daddy) and my best friend Vader joined in the adventure. It was amazing! Teddy had never been out like that before.

I took a million pictures! My husband had only heard and seen pictures of the show, but Amoeba put up this video with little snippets of the show, its such a great interview. I think you can see why we hold this show and its creators so dear to our heart. Yo Gabba Gabba! isn't just "another" kids show. Its made with love and the purpose of being able to share and enjoy something amazing along with your children.

When Yo Gabba Gabba! is on in our home, Teddy isn't just parked in front of the TV...alone. We all are! We dance and play and have a great time doing it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Aniexty, you cant stop me! but you sure as hell slow me down.

So its been like forever since I've blogged. My life has been consumed by Twitter (follow me) I literally live on that thing. No Myspace, And I'm trying really hard to make Facebook a habit.

Lately I've been stuck in a funk. I cant seem to fully get out of it. The worse part is that I don't know why. I usually have an idea, but not this time. I don't have that energy that spunk 100% I had been sick for what seems like 2 weeks. Maybe that was it? I share Teddy 50/50 now with Jessie...maybe that's it? (although I still see him on his maybe not)

Last night I experienced the worst anxiety attack yet. It lasted longer then I ever thought. 3hrs of HORROR! It all started with stupid little thoughts. I mean not all stupid. I mean, I get anxiety often, but little ones. When I get in the car to drive to work, when I'm on the freeway, when I'm driving next to a commercial truck, you know the big rigs, when I shower (I'm afraid of slipping and breaking something) when the kids play outside, When I have to take teddy and bunny out of the car, When the sink if full, When the trash is full, I think you get the point. I live with anxiety. ALL day, EVERY day.

Now, can I control it? No. Can I avoid it? No. I try. I try REALLY hard. My mother still claims its all in your head. She thinks is fake...even though she did land herself in the ER once, guess what was wrong with her? SHE WAS HAVING AN ANXIETY/PANIC ATTACK! She swore she was having a heart attack and she was running out of breath.(see mom, it is scary!) I don't think ALL of it is in your head, but some.

I had been putting several things off in my mental to do list, because of that funk I've been in. Last night it all came crashing down. During dinner I started to feel it all rush through me. I told Daniel (my hubby) and then in a desperate attempt to avoid it... I thought to talk out my laundry list of tasks in attempt to "vent" and relieve some stress. Turns out that wasn't such a great idea. Doing it out loud where I could hear myself...ended up backfiring.

Chest pains started coming in really sharp, my chest tightened, breathing was harder, my arm started to go numb, and I had tingling all over. For the next three hours I just sat there. I couldn't do anything. Daniel seriously takes an award for being such a good husband, our youngest was having a fit, and he put her to bed, cleaned up, and tried to help me relax. I was in pain! (I even woke up the next day sore!)

You see what goes on in my head is like a broken record, repeating over and over all the things I MUST do. Everything needs to be in its place, whats that? Its 3 am why am I scrubbing the shower? Because I cant go to bed if its not clean! Its a sick and twisted thing.

On another note-semi related. Postpartum blues, fears, habits....has any one still have had trouble shaking them off? I mean does it really take 2 yrs + to shake off fears and angst you picked up while preggo with your babies.

Personally I still cant drive on the freeway alone. I cant eat Taco Bell, giving the kids a bath still freaks me out, escalators make me queasy...etc. Anyone else deal with this? If so TELL me so I wont feel like a NUT.

I'm ending this...with what I still struggle to deal with every single day and probably always kids..growing up. I swear it was just yesterday I bought those PJ's for Teddy, now they fit Bunny.